Give Me 5! Learning about the Vegetables and Fruit Group

Give Me 5! Learning about the Vegetables and Fruit Group

What You Will Need
  • Pictures of foods found in flyers from your local grocery store or old magazines
  • Construction paper
  • Crayons
  • Pencils
  • Optional: sample of real vegetables and fruit. If possible, include less well-known vegetables and fruits such as kiwi fruit and eggplant.
  1. Ask your athlete where vegetables and fruit come from:
    • Some grow on trees; for example, oranges, apples, bananas
    • Some grow in the ground; for example, potatoes, beets, carrots
    • Some grow on vines or plants; for example, peas, corn, melons
  2. Ask them how much of their plate should be filled with vegetables and fruit.
  3. Show pictures of vegetables and fruit or display the real thing.
    Discussion Questions:
    • What is this food?
    • Have you tried this food?
    • Why is it good to eat many different kinds of vegetables and fruit?
    Sample Answers:
    • It gives us different tastes and textures.
    • It lets us explore new foods.
    • It provides the many nutrients our body needs.
  4. Pass out construction paper. Have him/her trace her hand with a pencil to make a food tree remembering that he/she may need assistance.
  5. In each branch of the tree, have him/her write about or draw a favourite fruit or vegetable.

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