

What You Will Need
  • Any menu with pictures or have your young athlete make his/her own menus
  • Use pictures of foods in flyers from your local grocery store or old magazines
  • Glue
  • Paper plate or toy plate
  • Disposable cup or toy cup
  • Napkins
  • Toy cutlery if available


  1. Use menu provided or have him/her make menus with pictures of vegetables and dinners from flyers or magazines.
  2. Help him/her to set up a play kitchen and restaurant area with play food or pictures of food.
  3. Encourage him/her to set the table with a plate, cup, napkin, and toy cutlery if available.
  4. Encourage him/her to take turns being the server, cook, and customer. Encourage him/her to order foods from the different food groups.

This can be a great opportunity to teach proper table manners such as sitting down at the table to eat, not talking with food in his/her mouth (to decrease risk of choking), and not taking food from someone else’s plate unless invited to do so.